Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Be Prepared

Cutting up vegetables and preparing snack size portions of fruits to keep in the refrigerator can make all the difference in the world when you're trying to make good choices. Think about how easy it is to grab a bag of chips or candy bar. It's not so easy to grab celery...stalks need to be cut and washed. Try storing some clear containers of carrots, celery, cucumber slices, grapes, strawberries and melon in the fridge in plain view. If you and your family are on-the-go a lot you can also put snack-size ziplock baggies inside so everyone can grab a snack and go. Outside of the refrigerator, keep bananas, apples, raisins and nuts for "emergency" hunger. It sounds simple but it makes a huge difference.

1 comment:

  1. I find that when I immediately make a fruit salad as soon as I get home from the grocery, we never waste it. A tip from mom---squeeze lemon juice over the cut fruit and it won't brown.
